Bottom Line Mattersâ„¢

“I would recommend Moka Labs and Keith Agnew to anyone looking for a great looking and affordable product in the area of website design. Keith goes the extra mile to make sure you get what you want.”

Bottom Line Mattersâ„¢

Stephen O’Keefe’s consulting business was in full swing, and he needed an online presence. With no prior website experience, no social media or other online presence, Stephen is now publishing content online, recording videos, and podcasting. 

“I want to establish my company online in order to share my kowledge and build my network. As a leading authority in retail loss prevention, working for 35 years with large retailers, I’d like to expand my reach to Canada’s thousands of small and medium retailers.”

Challenge accepted. We started from scratch – working step by step in establishing a professional and effective online presence for Stephen’s business and his content. 

Mission Accomplished:  We’re happy to report, today, with a popular blog, video recordings, a new podcast, SEO work, and content marketing – Stephen’s brand has further cemented his voice as a leading authority in loss prevention in Canada’s retail marketplace.

“Thanks for putting your trust in us Stephen. It’s been a fun ride!” 


How Did We Do?
Stephen O’Keefe

Founder Bottom line Matters  •  LinkedIn, Website

“I would recommend Moka Labs and Keith Agnew to anyone. Keith is open to considering new ideas and approaches, and makes sure you have all of the background information before jumping into anything too quickly.”

The Work We Covered

Brand Design & Strategy

The unique complexities of your organization, coupled with your goals to move forward.

Website Development

Your entire online strategy shoud center on driving traffic here. Now let the website do its work.


Targetting your audience effectively maximizes your investment. SEO is the gift that keeps on giving.

Social Media

Consistency and value are the secret sauce, so planning is integral to your strategy or it’s just noise.

Email Marketing

Build your most important asset > your lead database. We hate spam, and you should too!

Editing & Copywriting

Words matter! They directly reflect your brand. We've been editing and copywriting online for 25 years.

Coaching & Training

Our goal: "We will change the way you think about the internet". We love coaching and training clients.

Audience Analytics

Simplify your audience research with goals based on your digital and social media activity.

G-Suite Setup & Training

G-Suite is today's best in class business tool to manage your online communications.

Facebook Ads

Reach your audience for a fraction of cost as compared with traditional advertising.

Google My Business

This FREE resource is highly underutilized. Leverage this tool to gain more exposure online.

Google Adwords

Reach your audience for a fraction of cost as compared with traditional advertising.

What made this project unique?

Building from the ground up.

We launched this project with BLM having no prior online exposure.

Stephen had built a very successful consulting business, spanning two decades, but other than his LinkedIn profile, Stephen had no other online presence. 

Stephen was consulting and managing relationships with North America’s largest retailers – Walmart, Lowes, Rexall, to name a few – and wanted to build a library of content and reach the many thousands of smaller retailers who could use his expertise. 

I didn’t expect Keith would go out of his way to coach me to the point where I am not just using WordPress, but I am a WordPress user…I create content myself.”

As Stephen’s web coach, I was rewarded with a hard working student who was eager to learn the ins and outs of building an online presence. 



Get That Website Off Your To-Do List!

Launch your new web project with Moka Labs today!

No Experience Required

No coding needed to easily manage your website's content


With minimal training, anyone can modify, edit, and build from our blueprints. Our platform is in use by over 601,000 (October 2019) website owners, both professionals and beginners. Give your business the power of a useful and effective website on a budget you can afford. Launch your project today and get that website off your to-do list!

No experience and no coding required!

Get that website off your to-do list!

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